Gardening for Novices - Maintenance and The Best Expandable Hose

If you're not the most green fingered of gardeners, it's always worth investing in the best tools to give you the greatest chance of creating a beautiful garden, with an expanding water hose perhaps being considered as the best hose for your garden maintenance. 78Seven Brand have great range of expandable garden hoses available.

Expandable Hoses Advantages

Expanding hoses have many advantages over traditional types of hose; they are easy to maintain, they expand to about 5 times their size when in use yet can be rolled up and stored in very small spaces when not.  They are lightweight when compared to other types of hoses, making them great to use around bigger gardens and areas.

The Garden

So, moving on to the garden itself.  There are some things you can do to make the most of whatever size of garden you have, even if you are not an experienced gardener.

Choose Local Types

One thing you can do is to focus on the types of plants and flowers that are typical for your area.  This means you have to take into account sun, wind, rain and soil type to ensure whatever you plant has a great chance of surviving and thriving.

Choose Easy to Grow Types

A great tip is to start with easy, or easier, types of plants or flowers.  This includes vegetables - they grow quickly and easily - and flowers like sunflower. This means it won't be such a waste of time, and money, if they don't survive.


When planting, It's another point to consider how big the plants will grow to stop overcrowding.  So, plan out what you're going to plant, and where, bearing in mind the plant's final size rather than the size when you plant it.


It's wise to consider creating a schedule for your garden, including when you will water, fertilize, plant and prune.  Different plants need different amounts of treatment dependant on the season, so it's a good idea to make a schedule to make sure nothing's neglected.


Watering is one of the most critical things you will need to do, making sure the frequency and quantity are correct.  Avoid watering when the sun is shining, so morning and evening are good times.  Younger plants need more water then older, more established, so keep this in mind too. And remember, an expandable garden hose will make your life much easier when it comes to this task.


Whilst it can be a relaxing and rewarding pastime, gardening requires some effort as well.  It's important to keep on top of the routine maintenance, such as deadheading, weeding, pruning, tidying to ensure your garden looks great and your plants stay healthy.

If you are interested in knowing more about the 78Seven Brand range of expandable garden hoses.

Tags: best expandable hose, best hose, expanding water hose 
